DISCLAIMER: Visitors of Cocka2.Com have had some interesting comments to share with respect to the END outbreak in California. The opinions expressed by these authors are theirs alone and are not necessarily those held by the operators of the Cocka2.Com web site.
(http://cocka2.com/newcastle/photos/wood0327/) |
The END virus is not supposed to be harmful to humans. I can tell you first hand that from where I stand that is not entirely true. I can see two major organs that the virus attacks in humans. Both of these can be found in the people of the task force, which work closely with the diseased bird or those they deem to be diseased. |
I'm sure by now you have heard of the explanations and questions that were offered at the Norco meeting. As breeders and Exhibitors of purebred poultry we are trying to reach all of our members (of poulty groups) within the DISTRICT. We all need to do our part. |
The biggest danger of END contamination you are likely to bring into your houses is uncooked chicken or egg products. The virus can be isolated from poultry products and they are very difficult to effectively sterilise short of cooking. Even if the outside of the eggs have been treated the contents would not be. I will not have poultry products in my house till all this is over. |
LINK for this article (from there look for the North County Times story dated November 26, 2002) Now it seems they are making a big deal about explaining an isolated case of quarantine....where they didn’t SWEEP in and kill all the birds. Damage control? |
NOTE: The reason that this email from by Mr. Ernst was placed in this section is because his reply is directed to a question that we received at this site by one of our visitors. Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:10:04 -0800 Will try to address this in the next post but I can assure you that sanitation is at a very high level. Disposable clothing is used and changed every time. I don't have details of the procedures in use but normally CDFA personnel don't go on two premises in the same day. Ralph At 10:19 AM 11/25/02 -0800, you wrote: |
I've got one more update for you and this one is a great success in my opinion. Please forward this along and perhaps other federal/state/county/city, etc. will take similar measures. (NOTE: This is an excellent proactive stand being taken in the State of Oregon for which they are to be highly commended.) Date of this Update |
Please read the following forwarded email. (NOTE: This refers to the UC END Update of October 23, 2002 HERE). I have not seen this info posted but it addresses liabilities, etc. Please make everyone you know aware that there ARE bird dealers bringing in their birds from the southern California area and are not checking to confirm that their birds are not infected. After speaking with Dr. Hollberg with the Oregon Dept. of Ag I was informed that even testing a bird for END does not confirm that the bird is not infected and it can suddenly die several days after being tested. The State of Cal, Dept of Ag will not update their site on this serious and fatal disease, their last update as everyone can clearly see is Oct. 03, 2002 and bird dealers from the area are clearly telling the general public at these exotic animal and exotic bird shows that the news on it now is OLD news and it was contained a couple of weeks ago. This is clearly wreckless and irresponsible on their part. The email (REFERENCE as above) needs to be passed along to everyone which outlines their responsibility and liability in this matter. Thanks for all of your updates, it is very much appreciated and has caused me to do endless hours of research on the subject. Also something else of worthiness... According to the University Of California's web site... Their link that is posted on your site ... the first paragraph, last sentence states: ND CAN ALSO CAUSE CONJUNCTIVITIS IN HUMANS. (pink eye) Again, thank you so much for making us aware of END. It has made me open my eyes, exercise concern and care and started this drive within me that has been brewing for weeks, researching this for myself... Desperately only wanting to make other people aware of it and hope they will at least be honest in dealing with the public. If they are not honest and the USDA does nothing to post warnings at these shows, I can see a nationwide epidemic in the making... Simply because although we are aware of it, the general public is not and spending a few dollars on a bird and the bird dies, most people think nothing of it. They simply don't know. Now talk about the general public being informed... Same scenerio, they would question it and possibly call and report it... thus aiding in preventing an outbreak. |
CDFA is working on guidelines so that bird shows and marts can continue "safely." There is no way whatsoever that this can be done in any safe manner. Why is the State backing off from its original ban of all bird shows? What kind of pressure has been placed on the State and by whom which causes the State to endanger possibly the entire State being plagued with this deadly disease? A total ban must be kept in place or there will be even rougher roads ahead. Lifting this ban in any way is asking for a major catastrophe! |
There is a viable way of protecting parrots and other bird flocks. Introduce quantities of BHT food preservative into their diet. What happens is that BHT readily enters the body of the parrots and attaches itself to the virus. The outer lipid-layer is either removed from the virus or the outer coating is rendered inert, unable to infect tissue cells (Link to Delano Report - BHT). Ever since 1975, BHT has been increased in the feed of poultry, with the understanding that it is a very effective deterrent to END. Other research literature has quoted that BHT kills every form of lipid-coated virus, which includes PDD and HIV! The procedure is to introduce enough BHT into the parrot's meals, and observe good quarantine practice. If one animal is showing symptoms, isolate the animal and increase the dose of BHT by direct medication methods - a mixture of Olive oil and formula with dissolved BHT and orally feed the animal via syringe. There have been reports of BHT being harmful to parrots. Over a long time this might be the case. BHT is much kinder than BHA or ethoxyquin, the latter two having no effect on END. I give our cocka2s and other parrots BHT three times a week in their hot meals. I take 500 mg of BHT a day myself, and I've been taking it since 1980. No adverse side effects yet. |
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) certainly has found themselves a remarkable spokeswoman by the name of Laticia Rico. I think it's about time they give Rico some hints on what to say before she again opens her mouth that makes one wonder what intelligence the CDFA has in their department. Quoting from an article by the North County Times, please note the following:The disease most commonly infects chickens, Rico said. But other birds are also susceptible to the disease. Officials say the disease may have been brought to the area by Amazon parrots, who are known carriers of the disease but do not show symptoms and can carry the virus for more than 400 days. Hello, Rico, don't you even read reports from your own department? The birds that were first depopulated were gamefowl and that is where the discovery of END was made. Additionally, the disease has been found in "small backyard flocks." Now I don't know where Rico has been educated but I have yet to see an exotic bird like an Amazon parrot in anyone's backyard flock frolicing around with fighting cocks. This is not the first time that the State has tried to place the blame of the current outbreak on "exotic birds." Fighting cocks do not meet that definition. What kind of games are they trying to play here? Are we trying to be so politically correct that we are going to ignore the facts that END was most likely introduced into US gamefowl by illegal smuggling of gamefowl, even possibly by illegally entering persons simply because we don't want to hurt anyone's sensitive feelings? Wake up, Rico. Parrots and gamefowl don't coexist in backyards. Stop this scam and lay the blame where it belongs. The public is not as stupid as you think. Prediction: To date we have heard nothing in regard to parrots. Want to bet that the State comes up with a quick report that one or more of the initial depopulated locations had a parrot there too? |
The CDFA website has this to say about Newcastle Disease:Exotic Newcastle disease is a contagious and fatal viral disease affecting all species of birds. It is one of the most infectious diseases of poultry in the world; it is so virulent that many birds die without showing any clinical signs, and a death rate of nearly 100 percent can occur. Outbreaks of exotic Newcastle disease severely affect the poultry industry. In 1971, a major outbreak occurred in commercial poultry flocks in Southern California. The disease threatened not only the California poultry industry but the entire U.S. poultry and egg supply. In all, 1,341 infected flocks were identified, and almost 12 million birds were destroyed. The eradication program cost taxpayers $56 million, severely disrupted the operations of many producers, and increased the prices of poultry and poultry products to consumers. The State of California has a current outbreak of END. The CDFA spokeswoman stated: (Link)"While the state has seen smaller outbreaks of Newcastle disease since the 1971 epidemic, they were all easily contained, according to Rico, who says the current outbreak is the largest since 1971." So the State goes door to door and sets up a hotline. Where is the media coverage? Way to go California - really aggressive action! |
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